Peanut Butter and Pickleball: Market Demand in Sport 

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The Great Debate

In my house, there is a constant battle with supreme importance, with which your family might relate…  Smooth or Crunchy?

As if I even need to type it, the only correct answer is crunchy. Obviously.

My husband and I will die on that hill. My kids, whose votes we have determined are worth far less proportionately due to age, staunchly disagree.

At the end of the day, we always have at least five jars of peanut butter at any given time in our four-person home.

Although we disagree (and my kids try to play cruel tricks on me by swapping the lids to confuse me – red on crunchy, blue on smooth…you get the gist), I buy both, and everyone is *mostly* happy.

We have navigated the dissention, even had a little fun with it, and ultimately…I buy the groceries!

This leads me to the other “PB”…no, not “Public Broadcasting,” “Peripheral Blood,” or “Personal Best.” Rather, it’s “Pickleball.”

Perhaps you’ve heard of it?

Pickleball vs. Tennis: Battle of the Courts

The Wall Street Journal’s Joshua Robinson recently published an article appropriately titled “The Turf War Between Tennis and Pickleball is Escalating.” The article reads like the peanut butter saga that plays out in homes across America.

“Like sands in the hourglass, so are the days of…” the pickleball/tennis feud! This isn’t a daytime soap opera (do those still exist?!), but it might as well be.
So, here’s my take on it all in plain language:

19th Hole with Stoll

I grew up on a cul-de-sac in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio, where the 20 or so kids on my street would gather every afternoon to play whatever sport someone brought the ball for that day. Our own (paved) sandlot. We played for the fun of it. We played to hang out. We played because there were no barriers to entry. We played because every single day, someone would show up with a ball.

Nothing was worse than when the to-remain-nameless kid would get his feelings hurt by getting out in kickball and take his ball and go home. You know the kid I’m talking about!

Tennis, please don’t be that kid!

There is room for all in the world of sport. In fact, the more, the merrier! Will the pickleball craze last forever? Who knows, and who cares? But what I do know is that our country is plagued with obesity and mental health crises. Division abounds, and people are hyper-offendable. So, I’m all in on anything that gets people up, moving, socializing, connecting, smiling, and having fun.

Just like those summer evenings on the cul-de-sac…this is what it’s all about!

So, is it smooth or crunchy peanut butter, you ask? The answer is YES! With one big caveat: It’s up to the stewards of these sports to meet the market demands. Will they? Only time will tell.

Evoke a thought.

Dr. Jennifer Stoll

President & CEO
Cimarron Global Solutions

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